Where does a girl start? It's a brave place, (my girl energy that will share now), an open offering for all, but I am letting you know this is taking courage for me to show you, to be vulnerable, who I am. I am aware to know I am pure absolute... and this is my story.So I have always had the belief I am of no value. This came about maybe from my start in life, I was adopted at the age of 5 months. The impact of the separation from mama was the engrained belief - There must have been something very wrong with me for that to have happened. In all the research - over 25 years, I have studied informs that when the child tries to make sense of what happened, they will mostly always decide it is their fault. A defect. So I spent most of my adult life firstly believing I was unloveable. Since the age of 22, I began healing work on myself. Self help books, the first being Louise Hays', You can heal your life, this book had a huge impact on me at 22, "You've got to learn to love yourself" was the main theme,this infuriated me, I had no idea how to do this.Louise advised affirmations, I am lovable, loving and loved, my brain thought I was a liar, there would then be a war in my head intensifying the original beliefs, which were the opposite- I'm a freak, I'm unloveable etc...I then got into buddhism, I read the Tibetan Book of living and Dying, this one was the one that woke me up. I began to realise this reality of life was all a perception, a projection of my thoughts and beliefs, and that every action had a perfect and loving reaction. Things began to slowly change. Without going into my whole journey, I spent the rest of my twenties experiencing loveless relationships, mostly because somehow I couldn't connect with myself and accept that my needs and feelings were ok to have and that they might be lovely feelings and worthy of being heard.I actually think somewhere along the way women have misunderstood the difference between being needy and sharing your feelings. Not acting them out. Being somehow in a space of knowing they have some value and also owning them, and that having needs is ok, infact it's a very human. I'm 46 and its taken this long for me to begin to honour them.Back then I hid them from men and would somehow pretend I was ok, I was independent, I would ask nothing of them and feel devastated when it didn't work out. There was no soul connection, as I hid what I was feeling and therefore who I was.Again research does state that adoptees find it difficult to have intimate relationships due to trust, and it is challenging, I do get triggered, I have to be vigilant, and really take care of myself.So here's the bit I guess you single people may wanna know, firstly - who knows when the time is perfect to find love, and what works for one, may not work for another. I did decide though with every fibre of my being that I was ready to find intimate lasting love and I gave my heart and soul to it.I began by asking my close family to pray for me, I heard through the Kundalini Yoga tradition as taught by Yogi Bhajan, bless his soul that there was a prayer called So Purkh- meaning The Primal One, that had been given by Guru Ram Dass the 4th Sikh Guru, the Guru of the heart, for a woman to find a God loving husband. Now when a yogi speaks of god- we mean love. We mean absolute love. To find a man who wants to love, love a woman deeply, love his family, his community and himself. That means a man who wants to learn to self improve, to grow, evolve, to awaken from his limits. Not much to ask. The prayer was also to heal all past relationships with men, as well as men in the family, male friends and past life karmas and for all the masculine on the planet. So I was doing everyone a favour! It was in Gurumuki, a derivative of Sanskrit, and every word was an unfamiliar word to me,that I had to listen to over and over again. It took me 6 months to learn the whole stanza. I also at the same time, joined an online dating site, asked friends, who some I think had told me I was too fussy, to look out for me, I knew I had to take action. And action I took.With this cosmic ordering thing there are elements to consider.